Welcome to Chatfield Lutheran Church

Who are we: We are a group of followers of Jesus Christ united as a church to share the gospel, worship together, and do God’s mission in the world.

What we believe: We are a church that believes in God, in all God’s love and mystery. We believe God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is love and God is relationship.

In Jesus Christ, God reveals and seals God’s unconditional love and forgiveness for us, through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, in baptism we are given birth as children of God and given a new life of daily dying to sin and rising as a new creation.

In Holy Communion we are gathered into a communion of saints, forgiven sinners, and assured Christ is present in and for us now and forever.

We believe the Bible reveals God’s Word to us and still speaks a living and transformative Word to us today. We are Lutheran.

We believe that we are saved by grace through faith. We are all called to vocations of ministry. We are beggars totally dependent upon God’s mercy, and we are saints, gifted for ministry of love and service.

Our mission statement is: Rooted in Christ, together we reach out to serve faithfully, love unconditionally, and grow joyfully.

We are God’s Church: Jesus Christ is the true leader of our church. Our congregation is just one part of God’s Church throughout the whole world. We are connected to the church throughout history and around the world.

We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We are part of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod. We are partners with the Lutheran Campus Ministry in Winona, MN; Lutheran Social Services, Good Earth Village, San Juan in Colombia, and Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church in NYC.

What do we do? We are a church gathered to be sent out to do God’s work in the world. As a church, our purpose is to worship, teach the gospel, serve our neighbors, join in fellowship, and support each other in engaging the world in hope and love.

We advocate for justice, share our time, talents, and money through the church, and we join with others throughout the world to do God’s work and share the gospel. Through the power of Holy Spirit, we transform people’s lives in love and grace.